
All the images on this page are copyright of Tiger Girl. They are free to download and free to use, provided that the button below is added with a link back to No graphic may be changed in any way, except to add custom text to the buttons or title graphics. If you use these graphics for your page, please e-mail me and let me know.
    Background: #000000
    Text: #ffffff
    Link: #542300
    Visited Link: #666666
  • The font used here is Scratch, available in Broderbund's PrintShop program.

To download images from Windows: Right click on the image, and choose "Save this Image As..."
To download images from Macintosh: Click and hold on the image, and choose "Save this Image As..."

Don't try linking directly to these images -- this server doesn't allow that! Save them to your own hard drive or they won't show up at all.
These are not transparent GIFs! They must be used either on a plain black background, or the background image provided. A transparent .GIF image is provided with the set. View --> Source to see the HTML code for setting up the table.

Created June 14, 1999.
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