Isn't It Necromantic?
Isn't It Necromantic

All the images on this page are copyright of Tiger Girl. They are free to download and free to use, provided that the button below is added with a link back to No graphic may be changed in any way, except to add custom text to the buttons or title graphics. If you use these graphics for your page, please e-mail me and let me know. That way I can link your page here, and that means more hits for both of us!

    Text: #E9E09E
    Link: #ffffff
    Visited Link: #CC99CC
    Active Link, Background Color: #000000
  • The font used here is called Necromantic, and is available as freeware from The Scriptorium -- Ragnarok Press.


To download images from Windows: Right click on the image, and choose "Save this Image As..."
To download images from Macintosh: Click and hold on the image, and choose "Save this Image As..."
Do not link to my URL for these images! Save them into your own account. They are made for this background or a plain white background.

Images by Tiger Girl


About the "Isn't It Necromantic?" Set

I'm sure I heard the title somewhere else. It sounds like something Mel Brooks might put in one of his horror spoofs. I don't remember where precisely, though. All I knew was that such a bad pun required a slimy texture applied to traditionally "romantic" shapes. And so was born the purply veins on the buttons and bullets, and the yellowed, decaying appearance of the magnolia (altered from Magnolia Tondo, by artist John S. Bunker, from my SuperStock Fine Art CD). I had a lot of fun with this, and I hope you do too! All images are JPEGs, hence, no images are transparent. Someday, perhaps, there will be such a thing as a transparent JPEG. Until then, these images need to be used with this background or a plain black background to look right.


Or, you can make a line with these alternating bullets. They can also be used individually.

* * * * *

small banner
A smaller banner to be used as an inside page header, or a section divider


blank button
into my heart

sign view

The above set of images is set in a table, which you can view the source code for. Below are the "off" versions of the sign and view images above. I can't figure out why it doesn't line up correctly.


Created November 23, 1999.

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